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How can we help you?

We carry a vast array of stock on site, but can also source stock for next day delivery from our national distribution centre, if you need a standard product quickly, we will get it to you the fastest way possible.
Our sales team are all dedicated to bringing you the best service they can offer, if you need a solution to a problem, they will provide you with an answer no one else can provide.

Bespoke Solutions.

We are well known for our bespoke products.
If its not in stock, we’ll source it. If it doesn’t exist, we can design, prototype and manufacture a tailor-made solution and partner you from concept to installation.
From faded drawings and archive art numbers, our bespoke service has enabled hundreds of projects to reach completion.

Supply & Stock

Our National Distribution Centre carries a vast range of stock which can be with you next day (useful when you have a machine down).
We get to know our customers needs and do our best to have products ready to go.
For further peace of mind we are happy to hold stock on your behalf for call off as required.

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